Keen on doing some DIY gardening this season or trying to achieve an appealing and pleasing garden then due research is needed. The one place we all tap in is Google search, the downside to that is, it spits out too many websites and we are clueless as to which one to click and where the information you’re looking for hides and research takes time. As the saying goes “Time is Precious” suits for gardening as well, the prime time is the month of September to give a head start to the plants to grow before the summer hits. The below links will speed up your research process and provide the required information needed to set up you own garden or vege patch or provide knowledge of landscape ideas. Below succinct list is used by gardeners all around Australia and we also use for research purpose.
Edible Gardening tips and ideas

If you keen on creating a foodie garden or small raised bed, be sure to click the below website on how to organize the vege patch, the companion plants, flowers for bees and butterfly and to get ideas and tips. https://www.gardenate.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/user/LittleVeggiePatchCo
- https://thegardenettes.com.au/
- https://www.sgaonline.org.au/
- https://www.yates.com.au/
Invasive Plant alternatives
If you have plant in your garden that you want to remove because it is invasive or weedy, click the below link which will provide alternative planting options.

If you are clueless about native plants of Australia, the information in the below website provides knowledge to grow natives in your garden. The benefits of growing natives are innumerous. Native plants can keep away pest from your garden by inviting your local birds and beneficial insects to feast in your garden. https://biocache.ala.org.au/explore/your-area http://www.anbg.gov.au/plantinfo/ https://www.gardeningwithangus.com.au/ http://anpsa.org.au/ http://anpsa.org.au/APOL2/jun96-1.html
Free App Who doesn’t love freebies, if you are looking for gardening apps to organize your vege patch or planting in the garden, download below apps that are compatible with Apple IOS Mr Fothergill’s vegetable planting guide For identifying plants in your garden or other places, download the app Pl@ntNet app ABC Veggie Guide DIY gardening tips
Buy seeds online

No time to go to nursery but would like to get some new plants for your garden this spring, check out the below website to buy seeds online.
- https://www.boondieseeds.com.au/
- https://www.mrfothergills.com.au/seeds-vegetables/
- https://www.theseedcollection.com.au/vegetable
- https://www.edenseeds.com.au/ https://backyardseeds.com.au/
If you looking for information on particular plant that you want to get this spring, type the common name and request for plant profile in Google .You will get accurate information if you knew the botanical name and the hybrid variety of the plant.
Images from https://pixabay.com/ Disclaimer The information provided in this blog is for research and general educational purpose, we are not affiliated to any of the organization or business and don’t incur any profits for our business.