Landscape Design Ideas With Native Plants

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Native plants for your garden
Native plants create a low maintenance, sustainable and water-wise garden that is worth the time and effort

Planning to buy some new plants to freshen up your garden? Give a thought to Australian natives. Distinct and diverse, native plants do not disappoint when it comes to colour, texture, form and foliage, and can be adapted to any style of garden.
Not only will they provide aesthetic appeal, they will benefit you cost-wise: once established they require minimal care.

When it comes to choosing native plants, it’s a wise idea to find out which natives thrive well in your particular local area. Below are few suggestions that will thrive well in suburban gardens in Sydney.
(If you live outside of Sydney, drop us a note to tell us the kind of natives that grow in your area, or in your garden!)
Whether you are keen on grassy plants, low level hedging, screening plants, groundcover, feature trees and climbers, there is a good range of native plants to choose from.

Low level shrubs grass variety

Anigozanthos (Kangaroo paw Yellow) planted in mass will provide a colourful border, combine it with Kangaroo paw red will look striking when it blooms.

Lomandra longifolia ’Tanika’ (Lomandra) these clumping grass variety will suppress weed growing in between the plants when planted in en mass and looks green in most of the season.
Acacia cognate ‘Limelight’ (River Wattle) for the lush lime green effect, plant it en mass.

Low level shrub

Westringia ‘Jervis Gem’ (Coastal Rosemary) is an excellent low level edging plants which are low maintenance.


Callistemon ‘Little John’ (Dwarf Bottlebrush) with bright red colour flower attracts birds and bees to the garden, another low level edging plant.

Correa reflexa (Native Fuchsia) low level shrub planted along with grass variety plant will have a striking look in the garden bed.

Ground cover

Viola hederacea (Native violet) for the tight space between the fence and concrete or paving, this groundcover will fill the gap and suppress the weeds and looks attractive.

Ajuga australis prostate ‘Aussie Bugle’ (Ajuga) shady part of the garden bed can be filled with this groundcover.
Carpobrotus (Ice plant) is good groundcover planted in mass and suitable near swimming pool.


Prostanthera (Mint bush) this fast growing plants has attractive purple flower which stands out in any landscape as well as aromatic foliage.

Hymenosporum flavum (Native Frangipani) is a lean vertical growing plant which can be used along the fence as screening plant.
Leptospermum ‘Tickled pink’ (Tea Tree) is an attractive feature plant to have in any garden.

Feature Trees

Corymbia ‘Summer Red’ (Red gum) this summer flowering gum tree has attractive red flower, once established is a low maintenance tree to have in any yard.

Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’ (Silver leaved mountain gum) this bluish silver foliage eucalyptus is a small feature tree,that can blend in or stand out in any landscape.
Ceratopetalum gummiferum ‘Alberys Red’ (NSW Christmas Bush) this is a compact small tree with attractive red flower which can be used as cut flower.


Hardenbergia violacea ‘Happy Wanderer’ (Purple Coral Pea) is fast growing climber that has attractive purple flower.

Pandorea jasminoides (Wong Wong Vine) is an ever green climber which grows fast and needs sturdy support to spread.It is suitable for fence or arbor.
Where to get native plants in Sydney? 
  • Try your local council nursery.
  • Retail nurseries have a selection of native plants in stock.
  • Specialized growers and nurseries for native plants. Top tip Group your natives together in one bed and make sure the soil is free draining. Add a native soil mix to your prepared bed and start planting. Mulch with Eucy Mulch. Native plants can be sourced as tube stock which will cost less and will thrive well once established.

Where to get native plants in Sydney?

  • Try your local council nursery.
  • Retail nurseries have a selection of native plants in stock.
  • Specialized growers and nurseries for native plants.

Top tip

Group your natives together in one bed and make sure the soil is free draining. Add a native soil mix to your prepared bed and start planting. Mulch with Eucy Mulch.
Native plants can be sourced as tube stock which will cost less and will thrive well once established.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general educational purpose about variety of Australian native plants that requires minimal maintenance once established and suitable for mild to warm temperate climate. We recommend you seek advice from local nursery or professionals regarding suitability in your yard.
Images from Pinterest, Plantimex, Plants Online, Gardenexpress, Gardensonline, Hedgeplant, ANPSA.

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