A good design and construction of landscape shouldn’t have water clogging or stagnating in any parts of your yard. As a designer we balance between hard surface and soft surface for the ease of water flow. Every land form is different and flow of water after heavy rain moves from higher level to lower level. When we design, we take into account the slope or contour of the land form and design accordingly.
After heavy down pour most of the yard has issue with drainage. The water not draining properly causes lots of discomfort to the home owners some of distinct one’s are,
- Your favorite plants dying because of water stagnation for longer times around the roots.
- Shady garden, which means after heavy rain it takes longer time to dry out and the yard becomes boggy , unusable, slippery, and your confined to the house for longer time which we all avoid in all times.
- In worst cases, heavy rain or continuous downpour causes flood and water reaching the patio, garage, front walkway leading to structural issue to the building and becomes very costly affair to fix.

In recent years climate change, cutting down of established trees giving way to urban developments means erratic weather, and more thunderstorms. The yard needs to be designed in such way that it can with stand the worst scenario when it comes to water drainage
Water drainage is not all doom and gloom, every problem has a solution and some of the solution you can do it yourself or hire a professional to fix the drainage issue in your yard.
- During rain, observe how the water flows in your yard; grade your ground to the flow of water.
- Near the house have a strip drainage set up if it’s not a hard surface. Strip drainage picks up surface run off and it works on gravity, it’s usually set up at the lowest part of the patios, driveways and path ways. The most popular strip drains for residential building is polypropylene drains.

- Have a dry creek or swale filled with pebbles in your yard so that water flows away to lower area and eventually to storm water drain or established plants and trees.
- Have a rain garden with native’s plants directing all your roof water from the drain pipe to the garden. The rain garden should be set up three meters away from existing dwelling. Mostly deep rooted plants or trees are chosen for the rain garden. Recent residential developments in North West and West Sydney has compulsory rain garden in their back yard. Rain garden reduces excess flow of water to storm water drainage system which in turn becomes environmentally friendly.

- Engage professionals if the drainage issue is worst and cause structural issue to the building.
- The landscape professionals set up a drain pit and connect to existing storm water drain. Build a retaining wall with agricultural pipe for water drainage.
- French drain which is done underground is another method by which drainage problem can be fixed.
The abovementioned ideas will resolve your drainage issue and your yard can be free from flooding.Flooding is a nightmare for many homeowners.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general educational purpose only. We recommend you seek advice with landscape professionals regarding drainage issue for your own individual yard. Images from Pinterest, Pixabay.